New Patient Forms

New Patients - Small Animal
New Patients Large Animal

Dogs, cats, pocket pets

Horses, goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, cattle

The First Visit - How to Prepare?

Small Animals

  1. Complete the new patient registration form.

  2. Please provide medical records from your animal’s primary veterinarian at least 24 hours before your appointment.

  3. Make sure your animals are home! Outdoor or indoor/outdoor kitties should be kept inside, and if they are shy, please put them in a room so we can find them easily.

  4. Owner or handler must be present, and should be able to comfortably handle their animal so Dr. Mangan can work safely.

  5. Please have available some high-value, tasty treats that your pet loves to help facilitate the visit.

  6. Please have a bed, a blanket, and some towels available.

Large Animals

  1. Complete the new patient registration form.

  2. Please provide medical records from your animal’s primary veterinarian at least 24 hours before your appointment.

  3. Make sure your animals are home! Please ensure horses and other livestock are caught up, have a halter and lead rope, squeeze chute, or stanchion available.

  4. Owner or handler must be present, and should be able to comfortably handle their animal so Dr. Mangan can work safely. Owners/handlers may be asked to jog, lunge, or ride their horses as part of evaluation.

  5. Please ensure horses are clean and dry, especially for acupuncture sessions.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!