
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin, sterile needles into specific locations on the body. The ancient Chinese discovered each location, or acupuncture point, had a specific effect on the body. With the advent of scientific understanding, acupuncture has been shown to work through the body’s own nervous system to relieve pain and promote balance.


Most patients find it to be a very relaxing treatment, with many falling asleep.

In the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture promotes health and healing by restoring balance and the free flow of energy, known as Qi, within the body. From a Western perspective, by stimulating the nervous system with this needle placement, blood flow is enhanced, inflammation is reduced, and pain-relieving and relaxing compounds are released throughout the body. These effects of acupuncture occur almost immediately with needle placement, and the duration of results is variable based on a patient’s condition.


What to Expect

  • The initial acupuncture visit will include a Traditional Chinese Medicine exam, which is different from the typical western medicine exam.  We’ll ask lots of questions about your animals habits, and pay close attention to the pulses and tongue. We will explain in detail what we are doing and why. After the exam, we will place the acupuncture needles, which will remain in place for for 15-30 minutes. We may also utilize other stimulation techniques such as electroacupuncture or aqua-acupuncture. The whole visit will take about 90 minutes. 

  • Follow up visits will be about 60 minutes. We typically recommend weekly or every other week visits for 3-5 treatments, then begin to stretch out the time between appointments.


Commonly Treated Conditions

  • All organ systems, from the skin to the heart can be treated with acupuncture, but pain relief from arthritis is the most common use of acupuncture in our practice. 

  • Patients have more than one problem; this is where acupuncture really shines. Many of the acupuncture points have multiple effects to treat the WHOLE animal.

Common Equine Conditions

  • Laminitis

  • Arthritis

  • Navicular syndrome

  • Tendinitis/desmitis

  • Chronic colic

  • Gastric ulcers

  • Equine Cushings

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Back pain/stiffness

  • Neck pain/stiffness

  • Improve performance

Common Canine/Feline Conditions

  • Cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Back/neck pain

  • Cranial cruciate ligament tears

  • Hip/elbow dysplasia

  • Heart disease

  • Skin disease

  • Kidney disease

  • Chronic diarrhea

  • Improve performance


 Unsure if acupuncture is right for your animal? Contact us with a brief explanation of what’s been going on and Dr. Mangan can help you decide if integrative medicine would be a good fit.